The Mattson Academy
The Mattson Academy is the oldest Uechi-Ryu Martial Arts school in the West.
It was founded in Boston in 1958 by George Mattson upon his return from Okinawa.
The Mattson Academy hosted American Karate pioneers such as Buzz Durkin, Jack Sommers, and Jim Maloney (Canada).
George Mattson is now considered the father of Uechi-Ryu in the United States as he introduced the style to the West and greatly popularized Karate, notably with the publication of the book The Way of Karate (the first English-language book on Karate).
Mattson Academy On-Line Class
Our Sensei (Lionel Reynaud) is leading a weekly class within the Mattson Academy every Tuesday at 7:00PM (CET).
All the members of our Community can connect to this class for free it is a great opportunity to meet US practitioners.